If you were to present your points with the same spirit Jesus showed…that of wanting to help the poor, misguided sinners, then you might have a little more respect shown to you.
But your smug, holier-than-thou attitude comes across loud and clear and accomplishes nothing. You certainly are not convincing any of us that you have "the real truth" and that we should all repent and follow your lead.
You have been told by others in this thread, to do just as you have told us....Read your Bible, the whole context of each scripture you cite. Don't just take a lone scripture like the WTS does and say "there..see what this says". Think for yourself about what the whole chapter is really talking about.
For ex:
(James 2:29-20)
"You believe there is one God, do you? You are doing quite well. And yet the demons believe and shudder. But do you care to know, O empty man, that faith apart from works is inactive?"
You are only accepting only what the WTS says “works” is. … meetings, service, and all the other rules they add to it.
The context of the above scripture shows the works James is talking about are:
Vs.4 - not to have class distinctions and be judgemental to each other.
Vs.9 – not to show favoritism for the rich and not dishonor the poor
Vs.13 – practice mercy towards all
As we all have heard quoted many times: Vs. 14 - Of what benefit is it, my brothers, if a certain one says he has faith but he does not have works?” What are somemore of the works he is referring to? See the next verse.
Vs.15 – 16 – do not just dismiss a brother or sister who is in need of clothing and food with just wishing them well. Show charity. Feed and clothe the needy…..Vs. 17 says faith without those works is dead.
Vs.25 – Rahab the harlot was declared righteous by her works of showing hospitality to the messenger.
The whole chapter is very clear about what the true works are.
Don’t just dismiss the scripture in Romans 3:27,28 like you did. Acknowledge it as part of the whole picture of what works really means. You criticize Randy Watters as taking that scripture and forgetting about James. You are taking James words in one scripture out of context and forgetting all the rest.
Obeying Jesus as in John 3:36, means do those works as described in James.
Others here have already answered you on the other points. Look at them carefully. Don’t delude yourself by thinking you have so skillfully "shut us up with the Bible". You haven’t proven anything with the Bible at all. You have only taken a few scriptures out of context and twisted them as you have been taught by the WTS.
Again I say, your pompous attitude gives away your lack of wisdom. You have illusions of your own grandeur but you certainly are alone in thinking that you have more knowledge that any of us.
Had Enough (of nasty little blow-hards like you)